Of all Pope Francis’ letters and exhortations, Laudate Deum, “Praise God,” is surely among the most urgent and challenging. Eight years after his encyclical on...
When Pope Francis released Laudato Si’ in 2015, it was the first time in the history of the church that an entire encyclical addressed the connection...
We are blessed to have Pope Francis as a model of what aging can look like. Though diminished in mobility, he still relishes the adventure...
“Tom Quinlan’s At Home in the Heart of God brims with warm, personal stories and incarnational insight. This booklet is a practical encouragement for parents who wish...
The ministry of the catechist requires a deep trust in God’s grace and guidance. Here, Sister Kathleen Glavich offers a rich collection of prayers to...
In this indispensable booklet, Kathy Hendricks offers ideas for creating or enhancing rituals and offering prayer in the home throughout the liturgical and natural seasons...
Help your parish navigate change with this step-by-step guide by best-selling author and parish leader, Leisa Anslinger and change-management specialist, Jessica Garceau. Whether you’re preparing...
In this all-new booklet by bestselling author and catechetical leader, Sister Janet Schaeffler, you’ll find the amazing stories of saints who were the first catechists...
In this all new, easy-to-ready guide, Denise Utter reminds parents of God’s ongoing, tangible presence in the life of the family. Here, she offers loads...
This handy book of prayers is the perfect way for grandparents to stay connected to their grandchildren. From the time of their birth to well...
Did you know that there are more than 300 named and unnamed women in the Bible? Here, Sarah Thomas Tracy invites us to walk with...
Created with an understanding of today’s realities for children, this kid-sized eucharistic contemplation booklet is filled with activities, prayers, and practices to introduce the reverent...
This version is for personal use. Throughout this papacy, Pope Benedict XVI, promised to continue Pope John Paul II’s legacy of reaching out to young...
This version is for parish-wide use. Throughout this papacy, Pope Benedict XVI, promised to continue Pope John Paul II’s legacy of reaching out to young...
Does suffering make sense? Where is Jesus now? Why are there such great differences between Christians? Everyone has questions about faith and religion. Here, Jesuit...
Don’t miss Father Stu: Reborn, the PG-13 version of this powerful film, released in theaters December 9. A wonderful opportunity for evangelization, download a digital...
In this powerful booklet, we follow Jesus’ life from the Resurrection to Pentecost, providing a more complete picture of the Paschal Mystery and our own...
Written specifically to help teenagers work through the many emotions related to grief and loss, this powerful booklet offers timely advice about what to expect,...
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