Gifted with the Spirit

Green background with dove drawing and four Gifted with the Spirit books.

Empowering Adolescents for Confirmation - A Collaborative Effort!

Confirmation is a significant milestone in the spiritual journey of adolescents and requires the collaboration of various individuals in the Church community. Parents, sponsors, catechists, Confirmation directors, pastors, parish members, and bishops all play a vital role in helping young people prepare for this rite of passage.

The Candidate Edition of Gifted with the Spirit provides essential information and inspiration to help young people make informed and meaningful faith commitments. The eight lessons included in the program offer comprehensive guidance and support as adolescents navigate this important stage in their spiritual growth.

Join forces with others in your community to support the spiritual growth of adolescents. Invest in the Candidate Edition of Gifted with the Spirit today and help the young people in your life take the next step in their faith journey.

Who Am I?
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Confirmation — Junior High Catechist Edition — Gifted with the Spirit
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