Faith Formation

An image featuring seven children's books set against the backdrop of a church interior. The caption reads, "Faith Formation."

Each spiritual journey is unique. Foster your faith and nourish your spirituality with Catholic formation resources for all ages. Find answers to the most popular questions about the Catholic faith, learn about the Sacraments, or complete a bible study. Browse our collection today and take the next step in your spiritual journey.

30 Days Toward a Vibrant Spirituality Individual Use E-resource
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30 Days Toward a Vibrant Spirituality Sharable E-resource
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SALE - 11 Ways to Boost Your Lay Ministry: Tips, Tools and Prayers to Share
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Love Thy Neighbor: The Works of Mercy as Daily Practice
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Planning for Restored Order: Reconciliation and Eucharist for Older Children
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Planning for the Catechumenate for Children: Tips and Advice for a Successful Program
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Planning for RCIA: Tips and Advice for a Successful Program
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Evangelizing the Parking Lot Parent: A Catechist's Guide to "Casual-Catechesis" for Families
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Praying the Rosary Activity Sheet with Stickers
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Freedom: Finding Peach in Anxious Times - Henri Nouwen and the Art of Living
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Suffering: Transforming our Pain - Henri Nouwen and the Art of Living
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Love: Experiencing Deep Connection - Henri Nouwen and the Art of Living
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God: Discovering the Divine - Henri Nouwen and the Art of Living
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Identity: Finding Myself in God - Henri Nouwen and the Art of Living
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Henri Nouwen And The Art Of Living 5 Volume Set
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Your Confirmation Bible Companion: What Scripture as "God's Love Song" Means for You
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The Witness of Faith in the Home Digital E-Resource (Sharable)
Fratelli Tutti Combo Set
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