Threshold Bible Study
Threshold Bible Study
The teachings of Israel’s prophets and of Israel’s Messiah offer the world a way out of its addiction to violence, weapons, and war. Proclaiming the peace of God’s kingdom, Jesus tells his disciples to renounce hostile retaliation, learning to love enemies and struggle for justice with creative nonviolence. Learn to read the prophets, the gospels, and letters of Paul and Peter through the lens of the cross, becoming a Christian peacemaker.
Product code :853583
ISBN :9781627853583
Author :Stephen J. Binz
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Books
The teachings of Israel’s prophets and of Israel’s Messiah offer the world a way out of its addiction to violence, weapons, and war. Proclaiming the peace of God’s kingdom, Jesus tells his disciples to renounce hostile retaliation, learning to love enemies and struggle for justice with creative nonviolence. Learn to read the prophets, the gospels, and letters of Paul and Peter through the lens of the cross, becoming a Christian peacemaker.
Author: Stephen J. Binz
Click here to view sample pages of this book.
136 pages, 6” x 9”