Threshold Bible Study (Part 1)

Threshold Bible Study (Part 1)

Matthew's gospel presents Jesus as Israel's royal Messiah, inaugurating God's kingdom in the world. It was written to help Jewish Christians understand that their faith in Jesus was entirely consistent with the faith of ancient Israel. With frequent quotations and allusions from the Old Testament, Matthew demonstrates how Jesus is both Son of David and Son of God. This study will help you understand the scope of this gospel, the clear advice it offers for the church, and its personal implications for the lives of disciples today.

Product code :958153

ISBN :9781585958153

Author :Stephen J. Binz

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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Matthew's gospel presents Jesus as Israel's royal Messiah, inaugurating God's kingdom in the world. It was written to help Jewish Christians understand that their faith in Jesus was entirely consistent with the faith of ancient Israel. With frequent quotations and allusions from the Old Testament, Matthew demonstrates how Jesus is both Son of David and Son of God. This study will help you understand the scope of this gospel, the clear advice it offers for the church, and its personal implications for the lives of disciples today.

Author: Stephen J. Binz

Matthew 1-16

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