Threshold Bible Study

Threshold Bible Study

“Stephen Binz’s The Mass provides every reader with an opportunity to learn how to pray the parts of the Mass with devotion and understanding. Binz’s straightforward writing allows readers at all levels to learn what the Council set out as one of the great goals of its liturgical reform: the increased participation of the faithful at every Mass.” ◾ Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan, Archbishop of New York

Product code :857307

ISBN :9781627857307

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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"Worship of God in the Mass is the most distinctive activity of Christ's church, the summit toward which all its activity is directed and the font from which its life flows. From the procession to the altar and the Sign of the Cross to the final blessing and sending forth, the eucharistic liturgy of the church is a mosaic of words, images, and actions drawn from sacred Scripture. Explore the biblical foundations of each part of the Mass and learn how the saving truths of Scripture are made present for us in the eucharistic liturgy."   

144 pages

6" x 9"

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