Jan/Feb/Mar 2024 Living Faith Digital Edition

Jan/Feb/Mar 2024 Living Faith Digital Edition

Living Faith provides brief daily Catholic devotions based on one of the Mass readings of the day. Published new each quarter, these reflections are written by women and men from a variety of backgrounds - lay people as well as clergy and religious. Living Faith writers include such well-known Catholic authors as Amy Welborn, Sr. Melanie Svoboda, Deacon Greg Kandra and Msgr. Stephen Rossetti.

Product code :LVF0124DC

Author :Living Faith

Publisher :Creative Communications for the Parish

Type :E-Book

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Digital edition of Jan/Feb/Mar 2024 Living Faith.

Living Faith provides brief daily Catholic devotions based on one of the Mass readings of the day. Published new each quarter, these reflections are written by women and men from a variety of backgrounds - lay people as well as clergy and religious. Living Faith writers include such well-known Catholic authors as Amy Welborn, Sr. Melanie Svoboda, Deacon Greg Kandra and Msgr. Stephen Rossetti.

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