Written on My Heart

Written on My Heart

In his reading of some classic Catholic prayers, Michael Swan delves into how the prayers we hold in our memories are essential to our spiritual identity.

Product code :855174

ISBN :9781627855174

Author :Michael Swan

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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Often we struggle to find the words to converse with God. A prayer committed to memory and recited every day can help. This practice is much deeper than mechanical repetition. Words written on our hearts become a part of who we are. They grow with us. Their meaning reveals itself in new ways as the years go by. But it is not only the memorized prayer that lives in us. Each time we recall a prayer to life, we step into the life of the prayer. 

In his reading of some classic Catholic prayers – prayers he has committed to memory and prays every day – Michael Swan delves into how the prayers we hold in our memories are essential to our spiritual identity. Once prayed, they belong to God, as we do.

Author: Michael Swan

80 pages

5.5” x 8.5”

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