Pray Your Way Through Forgiveness
Pray Your Way Through Forgiveness
In picking up this booklet, you are taking a step toward forgiveness and, ultimately, a step toward love. Through stories, Scripture wisdom, and prayer reflections, Nicole Sotelo helps us understand the process of forgiveness: what it is—and what it is not.
Product code :855150
ISBN :9781627855150
Author :Nicole Sotelo
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Booklets
In this extraordinary new booklet, Nicole Sotelo walks us through the spiritual practice of forgiveness and shows us how to welcome God’s healing into the painful places of our lives. Through stories, Scripture wisdom, and prayer reflections, she helps us understand the process of forgiveness: what it is—and what it is not. From that first courageous step of acknowledging wounds, through the active steps of healing, Sotelo gently reminds readers of Jesus’ invitation to walk with him on the journey of forgiveness toward a new life of peace, love, and joy.