Developing a More Flexible Parish: 8 Easy Ways to Practice Pivoting

Developing a More Flexible Parish: 8 Easy Ways to Practice Pivoting

In this timely booklet, Dr. Carole Eipers offers practical, easy-to-implement ideas to help your parish become a “pivoting” community—one that is open to the call of the Holy Spirit and the transformation required to serve God’s people in our ever-changing world.

Product code :857093

ISBN :9781627857093

Author :Carole M. Eipers, D.Min.

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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“Why do we do what we do, and how can we do it a new way?” As we emerge from the unprecedented change of the Covid-19 pandemic, this question is reshaping parishes across the country. In this timely booklet, Dr. Carole Eipers offers practical, easy-to-implement ideas to help your parish become a “pivoting” community—one that is open to the call of the Holy Spirit and the transformation required to serve God’s people in our ever-changing world.

32 pages

5.5" x 8.5"

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