Threshold Bible Study
Threshold Bible Study
Here Stephen Binz takes one of the key issues of our day and examines it from a biblical point of view. He invites readers to experience Gods creation as a great gift and a sacred trust, one that God has lovingly shared with humanity. He chooses biblical texts that help readers understand their privilege and responsibility in caring for the earth and humbly recognizing their place within it.
Product code :953733
ISBN :9781585953738
Author :Stephen J. Binz
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Books
Here Stephen Binz takes one of the key issues of our day and examines it from a biblical point of view. He invites readers to experience Gods creation as a great gift and a sacred trust, one that God has lovingly shared with humanity. He chooses biblical texts that help readers understand their privilege and responsibility in caring for the earth and humbly recognizing their place within it.
144 pages | 6" x 9"
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