We Grow in Love: A Daily Examen for Kids
Product code :855532
ISBN :9781627855532
Author :Constance Carlson
Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications
Type :Booklets
The little booklet is all about how you can grow in friendship with God. Having a friend is wonderful, and God is our very best friend. Talking to God each and every day helps your friendship GROW:
God is with you as you read a short prayer that will help you connect with God.
Review your day and think about where you saw or felt God.
Observe how you felt at different times during your day.
What did I learn as I encountered God today?
Based on a prayer called the Examen—a popular practice from St. Ignatius of Loyola—taking time to talk to God each day is an amazing way to grow in faith, love, and friendship!
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