Threshold Bible Study

Threshold Bible Study

Suffering seems to bring out the best and the worst in our human nature. Some people are overcome with hopelessness that leads to despair; others are filled with courage that leads to heroism. Still, others exhibit a wide range of responses that reveal their character: trust, generosity, steadfastness, cowardice, greed, and pride. The people of the passion in this book are the characters who participated in some dramatic way in the suffering and death of Jesus. Well-known characters include Peter, Pilate, and Mary Magdalen; lesson-known include Simon of Cyrene, the daughters of Jerusalem, and the woman who anointed Jesus.

Product code :953148

ISBN :9781585953141

Author :Stephen J. Binz

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Books

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Suffering seems to bring out the best and the worst in our human nature. Some people are overcome with hopelessness that leads to despair; others are filled with courage that leads to heroism. Still, others exhibit a wide range of responses that reveal their character: trust, generosity, steadfastness, cowardice, greed, and pride. The people of the passion in this book are the characters who participated in some dramatic way in the suffering and death of Jesus. Well-known characters include Peter, Pilate, and Mary Magdalen; lesson-known include Simon of Cyrene, the daughters of Jerusalem, and the woman who anointed Jesus.

Author: Stephen J. Binz


How to Use Threshold Bible Study

Suggestions for Individual Study

Suggestions for Group Study

Introduction Suggestions for Facilitators,

Group Session 1

Lessons 1-6

1. The Poor Widow Gives Her All (Mark 12:38-44)

2. The Woman Who Anointed Jesus (Mark 14:1-9)

3. Simon Peter Is Taught to Serve (John 13:1-17)

4. Judas Iscariot Plots Against Jesus (Matthew 25:14-25)

5. The Beloved Disciple Reclines Next to Jesus (Jn 13:21-30)

6. Peter Vows Fidelity to Jesus (Matthew 26:30-35)

Suggestions for Facilitators, Group Session 2

Lessons 7-12

7. Peter Offers to Lay Down His Life (John 13:31-38)

8. Peter, James, and John Accompany Jesus to Bethsemane (Mark 14:32-42)

9. Judas Betrays Jesus with a Kiss (Matthew 26:47-50; Luke 22:47-48)

10. Simon Peter Fights Back with a Sword(John 18:10-11; Matthew 26:51-56)

11. The Young Man Who Ran Off Naked (Mark 14:48-52)

12. Annas Interrogates Jesus (Jn 18:12-14, 19-24)

Suggestions for Facilitators, Group Session 3

Lessons 13-18

13. Caiaphas Charges Jesus with Blasphemy (Matthew 26:57-68)

14. Peter Denies Knowing Jesus (Mt 26:69-75)

15. Judas Ends His Life with Remorse (Mt 26:69-75)

16. Pilate Questions Jesus and the Crowd (Mk 15:1-15)

17. Pilate Is Put on Trial by Jesus (Jn 18:28-40)

18. Pilate Hands Jesus Over for Crucifision (Jn 18:1-16)

Suggestions for Facilitators, Group Session 4

Lessons 19-24

19. Herod Mocks Jesus (Luke 23:6-15)

20. Barabbas Is Released While Jesus Is Condemned (Matthew 27:15-26)

21. The Soldiers Mock and Torture Jesus (Mt 27:27-31)

22. Simon of Cyrene Carries the Cross (Mark 15:21-22; Romans 16:13)

23. The Women of Jerusalem Weep for Jesus (Luke 23:27-31)

24. Two Criminals Travel the Way of Crucifixion with Jesus (Luke 23:32-43)

Suggestions for Facilitators, Group Session 5

Lessons 25-30

25. The Mother of Jesus Stands at the Cross (John 19:25-27; John 2:1-5)

26. The Centurion Professes Faith in Jesus (Mt 27:45-54)

27. The Women of Galilee Remain with Jesus (Luke 8:1-3; Mark 15:40-41)

28. Joseph of Arimathea Lays the Body of Jesus in the Tomb (Mark 15:42-46)

29. Nicodemus Prepares the Body of Jesus For Burial (John 19:38-42; John 3:1-12)

30. Mary Magdalene Comes to the Tomb (John 20:1-2, 11-18)

Suggestions for Facilitators, Group Session 6