As Without End We Acclaim (Family Guide)

As Without End We Acclaim (Family Guide)

This fresh and innovative guide for parents or guardians of children preparing to make their First Communion is an extension of the Catechist’s Guide of As Without End We Acclaim.

Product code :856478

ISBN :9781627856478

Author :Zack Stachowski and Matt Reichert

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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This fresh and innovative guide for parents or guardians of children preparing to make their First Communion is an extension of the Catechist’s Guide of As Without End We Acclaim. Both of these resources aim to encourage catechists and families to view First Communion preparation not only as a time when we learn about the Eucharist but when we learn how to celebrate the Eucharist as well. Here families will find call-and-response prayers to pray at mealtime or nighttime. A vital resource for both families who may be out-of-practice attending the Sunday liturgy and weekly Mass-goers as well!

32 pages

5.5" x 8.5"

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