Who Will Roll the Stone? Stories and Activities for Lent

Who Will Roll the Stone? Stories and Activities for Lent

The stories and activities in this booklet really rock! Each activity focuses on a rocky theme from Scripture. From Moses receiving tablets of stone to David and Goliath to Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, Lenten themes are highlighted in ways that are sure to connect with the youngest child in church. The rocky journey culminates with the rolling stone on Easter morning! For children ages 3-8.

Product code :RL9

Publisher :Creative Communications for the Parish

Type :Booklets

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The stories and activities in this booklet really rock! Each activity focuses on a rocky theme from Scripture. From Moses receiving tablets of stone to David and Goliath to Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, Lenten themes are highlighted in ways that are sure to connect with the youngest child in church. The rocky journey culminates with the rolling stone on Easter morning! For children ages 3-8.