Lent from A to Z: An Alphabet of Activities for Kids

Lent from A to Z: An Alphabet of Activities for Kids

The poems and activities in this little booklet provide the perfect primer for primary children to learn about the season of Lent alphabetically! From the Ashes of Ash Wednesday to the Zooming race to the open tomb, young children will discover that Jesus is truly the Alpha and Omega: the beginning, middle and end of all our Easter joy! For children ages 3-8.

Product code :LN9

Publisher :Creative Communications for the Parish

Type :Booklets

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The poems and activities in this little booklet provide the perfect primer for primary children to learn about the season of Lent alphabetically! From the Ashes of Ash Wednesday to the Zooming race to the open tomb, young children will discover that Jesus is truly the Alpha and Omega: the beginning, middle and end of all our Easter joy! For children ages 3-8.