Oh, Come On, It's Advent

Oh, Come On, It's Advent

“Advent? Oh, come on! Haven’t we done that already?” Let’s energize the observance of Advent this year with a fresh look at the “O Antiphons”: those time-tested, titles given to the One whom we’re waiting for this season. The daily reflections in this booklet for teens and college-aged students shed new engaging light on the season of Advent expectation. “Come on! It’s Advent!”

Product code :OC1

Publisher :Creative Communications for the Parish

Type :Booklets

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“Advent? Oh, come on! Haven’t we done that already?” Let’s energize the observance of Advent this year with a fresh look at the “O Antiphons”: those time-tested, titles given to the One whom we’re waiting for this season. The daily reflections in this booklet for teens and college-aged students shed new engaging light on the season of Advent expectation. “Come on! It’s Advent!”