Celebrating Your Child's First Reconciliation

Celebrating Your Child's First Reconciliation

A great booklet with the perfect explanation all about Reconciliation! Perfect for helping parents join their children as they prepare to experience God's forgiveness.

Product code :CYD

Publisher :Creative Communications for the Parish

Type :Booklets

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Christ gave us the Sacrament of Reconciliation to demonstrate God's ever-faithful love for us. For this reason, a child's First Reconciliation sets the stage for a lifetime of returning to God again and again assured  of his mercy. Veteran catechist Pat Fosarelli helps parents share more deeply in their child's journey to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This beautiful booklet explains the sacrament in very accessible language, helping parents join with their children as they prepare to experience God's forgiveness.

8.5 x 11 -- 16 pages

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