How to Talk to Children about Jesus

How to Talk to Children about Jesus

Janet Schaeffler provides parents, teachers, and catechists with terminology related to a young child's experience as well as family activities to stimulate further conversation and comprehension.

Product code :853064

ISBN :9781627853064

Author :Janet Schaeffler, OP

Publisher :Twenty-Third Publications

Type :Booklets

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In this booklet, Janet Schaeffler offers great suggestions for talking to your children about Jesus’ life and times, why Jesus has so many different names, whether or not Jesus ever cried (important for children to know!), some of Jesus’ most important teachings, how Jesus prayed, why he had to die, what happened afterward, and where and how do we see Jesus today. Excellent family activities and short prayers to stimulate further conversation and comprehension are also included.

Click here to view sample pages of this booklet.

Author: Janet Schaeffler, OP

24 pages, 5.5” x 8.5”